What Happened at Appomattox Court House during the Civil War

Shortly after entering the village, the two Confederates met a homeowner, Wilmer McLean, who showed them an unfurnished and somewhat dilapidated house. After being told that this would not be enough for such an important occasion, he offered his own house for the surrender meeting. After seeing the house, they agreed and sent a message to Lee. Two notable figures who helped turn appomattox`s surrender into an image of national reconciliation were Confederate General John B. Gordon and Union General Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. Skeptics have argued that each man played the role he played in the official surrender ceremony that took place on Wednesday, April 12, in Grant`s absence, the Appomattox left on April 10 to see Lincoln in Washington, D.C, and Lee, who left on April 11. April left to return to her family in Richmond, exaggerated or romanticized. It is not clear, for example, what authority Chamberlain actually possessed, as he was not the most senior Union leader to remain at the Appomattox courthouse. But whatever the veracity of Gordon and Chamberlain`s respective accounts of the surrender ceremony – Chamberlain produced several throughout the rest of his life – they largely coincided, and these accounts have shaped and still shape many people`s vision of surrender. What happened after Lee sent his message to Grant was confirmed by memorialists in the north and south. Probably the best report is that of Marshall, who was sent to Appomattox to find a suitable place for the surrender meeting. It was there that he met Wilmer McLean, a man. who lived on the first battlefield of Manassas, in a house about a mile from Manassas Junction.

He didn`t like war, and after seeing the First Battle of Manassas, he thought he would get away with it where there would be no more fighting. At 5 a.m. from .m. On April 12, nearly four years to the day after the first shot was fired at Fort Sumter, Chamberlain began gathering elements of the Fifth Union Corps along the road to Lynchburg, the main street of Appomattox Court House, near the courthouse. Soon after, the capitulating Confederates marched into the village from Chamberlain`s right, led by Gordon II Corps. When Gordon and his soldiers met Chamberlain and his soldiers, the simple truth is that no one knows for sure what happened. What seems certain is that the Union soldiers changed their position on a certain order, and this change in turn changed the tone of the surrender ceremony. Later, when Chamberlain represented the moment, he ordered “shoulder arms” and wanted to greet the surrendering Confederates. In order not to be surpassed in bravery, Gordon ordered his men to also attract attention, “Honor answer honor,” according to Chamberlain`s phrase.

Lee quickly wrote a response in which he indicated that he was now ready to surrender and continue. Lee could still hear the sounds of fighting and sent a letter to Meade asking for an immediate ceasefire in that direction. Meade replied that he was not in contact with Grant but that he would pass on the message and suggested that Lee send another letter to Grant about Sheridan. In addition, Lee Gordon also had armistice flags affixed along the line. As the messages passed through the lines and the news of the surrender spread, the fighting stopped. Losses for the Battle of Appomattox Courthouse were small, 260 for the Union, 440 for the Confederacy. By April 1866, a year after Appomattox, the uprising was over in all former Confederate states except Texas, which had not yet succeeded in forming a new state government. President Andrew Johnson finally accepted the Texas Constitution – which reluctantly accepted the abolition of slavery – and proclaimed on August 20, 1866, that “the said uprising has ended and that peace, order, tranquility and civil authority now exist in and throughout the United States of America.” After the minor battles of Cumberland Church and High Bridge, General Grant sent on 7 July. In April, he wrote a note to Lee suggesting it was time to abandon the Army of Northern Virginia. In a response, Lee refused the request, but asked Grant what conditions he had in mind.

[6] On April 8, Union cavalry under Brigadier General and Brevet Major General George Armstrong Custer captured and burned three supply trains waiting for Lee`s army at Appomattox Station. Now the two federal troops, the Army of the Potomac and James` Army, converge on Appomattox. [Citation needed] From April 2 and the fall of Petersburg to April 9 and the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House, the Confederate and Federal armies engaged in skirmishes and battles, including a major battle on Sailor`s Creek. .