What Is the Definition of a Semantic Web

An example of a tag that would be used in a non-semantic web page: Think of it this way: A typical web page contains a lot of unstructured data. Text, images and links to other sites. In the text itself are numbers, dates, names, places and facts. Searching for pages that do not have semantic markup depends solely on the HTML description of that page. This means that it cannot tell the search engine what is on this page, nor the names it contains nor the data of a sentence. Semantic metadata is semantic tags that are added to regular web pages to better describe their meaning. For example, the homepage of the Bulgarian Institute of Oceanography can be commented semantically with references to several appropriate concepts and entities, e.B Varna, Academic Institution and Oceanography. The question stems from the definition of the Semantic Web we have already seen: “The Semantic Web is an extension of the current Web, in which information takes on a clearly defined meaning that allows computers and humans to work together.” However, the mere fact that the tower is filled with established standards corresponds to the first part of the definition, “an extension of the current network”. The fact that these standards work corresponds to part of the second part of the definition: “Allowing computers to work together.” What is missing is perhaps the most important part of the definition: the people. People waiting. Many people don`t have a clear idea of what the Semantic Web is.

Perhaps the best informal definition is found in Scientific American`s May 2001 article “The Semantic Web” (Berners-Lee et al.), which states, “The Semantic Web is an extension of today`s Web, in which information takes on a clearly defined meaning that allows computers and humans to work collaboratively.” People working on the Semantic Web get a more detailed idea of what this general statement means, basing their work on the famous “Semantic Web Tour,” a product of Tim Berners-Lee`s inspiring drawing on whiteboards. Even if you`re not a geek, you may have read an article on the semantic web or followed a presentation, and then you`ll surely have come across the tower, which is a drawing like this similar definition is offered to Berners-Lee with Miller (2002), which also show how the W3C coordinates the achievement of these goals: Encoding similar information in a semantic web page can look like this: People keep asking what Web 3.0 is. I think if you have an overlay of scalable vector graphics – everything splashes and bends and looks foggy – on Web 2.0 and access to a semantic web built into a huge data room, you could have access to an incredible data resource. This is information whose semantics are presented in such a way that they are relatively “understandable” for applications. The first research group to explicitly focus on the corporate Semantic Web was the ACACIA team of INRIA-Sophia-Antipolis, founded in 2002. The results of their work include the RDF(S) corese[41] based search engine and the application of Semantic Web technology in the field of distributed artificial intelligence for knowledge management (e.B. ontologies and multi-agent systems for the semantic web of enterprises) [42] and e-learning. [43] Data transfer, represented by Semantic Web standards, allows the reuse of work done by different entities. Microformats extend HTML syntax to create machine-readable semantic markup for objects such as people, organizations, events, and products.

[13] Similar initiatives include RDFa, Microdata and Schema.org. Although learning the basics of HTML is relatively easy, learning a language or knowledge representation tool requires the author to learn the methods of abstraction of representation and their impact on thought. For example, understanding the class-instance relationship or the superclass-subclass relationship is not limited to understanding that one concept is a “type” of another concept. […] These abstractions are taught to computer scientists in general and knowledge engineers in particular, but do not correspond to the similar meaning of natural language of being a “kind of” something. The effective use of such formal representation requires that the author become an experienced knowledge engineer in addition to all the other skills required by the field. […] Once you have learned a formal language of representation, it is often even more tedious to express ideas in that representation than in a less formal representation […]. In fact, it is a form of programming based on the declaration of semantic data that requires an understanding of how argumentation algorithms interpret the structures created. To enable the encoding of semantics with data, technologies such as Resource Description Framework (RDF)[2] and Web Ontology Language (OWL)[3] are used. These technologies are used to formally represent metadata. For example, ontology can describe concepts, relationships between entities, and categories of things.

This integrated semantics offers significant benefits such as data thinking and the use of heterogeneous data sources. [4] Another criticism of the Semantic Web is that it would take much longer to create and publish content, as there would have to be two formats for a piece of data: one for human visualization and one for machines. However, many web applications in development solve this problem by creating a machine-readable format when publishing data or requesting a machine for that data. The development of microformats was a reaction to this kind of criticism. Another argument for defending the feasibility of the Semantic Web is the likely drop in the price of human intelligence tasks in digital labor markets like Amazon`s Mechanical Turk. For this reason, it is of great interest to give a simple and global overview of the Web Ssemantic to reach professionals, teachers, students and non-specialists who are interested in the subject. Finally, the definition anticipates the possibility that computer systems can manipulate information in the form of problems that have been posed and even adapt it to a specific target. This implies that the results underpin their tracking in keywords that have no semantic relationship to the content of the pages.

Given the coordination work of the W3C, it is normal in the previous definition that two basic technologies associated with the development of the Semantic Web are included: the RDF specification and XML. RDF (Resource Description Framework) is a data model developed by the W3C that provides a specification for the description of metadata on the Web. Another important point of the definition highlights the need to write or verify this information with data that provides a clearly defined meaning (semantics) and that is shared so that it can be linked. XML has been used for data exchange for some time, so it is interoperable at the syntactic level. However, the Semantic Web suggests using a basic data model like RDF that extends interoperability at the semantic level. Well, you may have figured out how things work and have been looking forward to the realization of this plan. Or you may not have understood this well and waited for someone to show you better what they mean. In fact, the plan as shown in the photo unfolds quickly: many locations fill up (RDF, RDF schema, ontology, digital signature). So the image as shown is finished. Still, most people are waiting for it, and the Semantic Web hasn`t taken off yet. What is going on? In addition, the Semantic Web is organized in a multi-level structure that ranges from the simple description of metadata resources to the definition of ontologies and inference rules.

Semantic HTML refers to the traditional HTML practice of using markup on purpose rather than directly specifying the details of the layout. For example, the use of “highlighting” instead of , which indicates italics. Layout details are left to the browser in combination with cascading style sheets. However, this practice is not sufficient to indicate the semantics of objects such as sales items or prices. The intention is to improve the usability and usefulness of the Web and its interconnected resources by creating semantic Web services, such as: First, it refers to the Semantic Web as an extension of the current Web. These are both the new ideas, concepts, and applications of the Web, as the software tools used to develop Semantic Web approaches must coexist with other applications in today`s Web. Therefore, information on one web page cannot be automatically correlated with information on another page, nor can it correlate different data about the same person on multiple pages. The mission of the Semantic Web is to make these capabilities achievable. Cory Doctorow`s (“Metacrap”) critique comes from the perspective of human behavior and personal preferences. For example, users may insert incorrect metadata into web pages to mislead semantic web engines that naively assume metadata accuracy.

This phenomenon was known in metatags, which led the Altavista ranking algorithm to increase the ranking of some websites: Google`s indexing engine specifically searches for such manipulation attempts. .